contains 16IU Human Growth Hormone. HGH is one of the most importnat hormones in the human body. HGH is not an anabolic steroid, yes it has strong anabolic properties, but being anabolic does not making something an anabolic steroid.
With supplementation of Genotropin HGH we can see improvements numerous areas of our physical wellbeing, and in some cases they can be very dramatic. When used alone and at a low dose it is not well knows for promoting massive gains. For true muscle gains, the individual will normally need to combine HGH with anabolic steroids. Anabolic steroids and HGH appear to work in perfect harmony, but even when used alone Evogene HGH will promote recovery far greater than most any exogenous hormone.
The effects of Human Growth Hormone can include the following in both men and women:
- Increased Energy
- Increased Joint Strenght
- Increased Bone Strenght
- Healthier Skin
- Enhanced Sense of Wellbeing
- Enhanced Metabolic Rate
- A Tighter Physique
- Decreased Body Fat
In a therapeutic setting, male HGH doses normally doses are between 1-3IU per day. For the performance enhancing athlete, there can be a wide range of HGH doses.For more athletes common dose is 2-4IU daily. Such a dose will promote fat burning and recovery. When mixed with anabolic steroids, due to the synergy created between HGH and anabolic steroids, you will see the standard steroid cycle greatly enhanced. The standard anabolic steroid cycle becomes far more beneficial.
Each box contains 16IU Human Growth Hormone.